
Book Report-MultiMedia

Page history last edited by Tricia Lazzaro 15 years ago
Multimedia Book Report Rubric (Fiction)
Use with any multimedia book review.
(May be duplicated for classroom use as long as no fee is charged 
and MidLink Magazine http://www.ncsu.edu/midlink/  is cited as the source.)
Points 1 2 3 4 Total
Title Card or Screen No title page Title page is present, but lacks much of the required information Title page is present but lacks complete information Title page is present and contains title, author, students' names, and appropriate graphics.  
Main Characters No description of main characters Incomplete or inadequate description of main characters Adequate descriptions and character sketches of main characters including a few comparisons among characters Complete description of main characters including comparisons, contrasts, and complete character sketches  
Setting No description of setting Incomplete or inaccurate description of setting Adequate description of  setting including a few visual aids Complete description of setting. Includes many drawings, maps, and background information  
Brief Summary Inadequate plot summary Incomplete plot summary and incomplete or inaccurate story board Adequate plot summary including some events on a story board Complete plot summary including story board highlighting major events  
Turning Point No mention of turning point Inaccurate or incomplete description of turning point Accurate description of turning point with some reference to contributing events Complete, accurate description of turning point and events leading to it  
Outcomes No description of outcome Inaccurate or incomplete description of outcome Accurate description of most outcomes Complete, accurate description of important outcomes  
Originality The work is a minimal plot summary.  There is no evidence of new thought. The work is merely a basic summary of the plot. There is no evidence of new thought, inventiveness, or insight. The product shows some evidence of originality and inventiveness.  Demonstrates a basic understanding of the content and extends beyond that to offer new insights and understanding of the novel. The product shows significant evidence of originality and inventiveness.  The majority of the content and many of the ideas are fresh, original, inventive, and based upon logical conclusions and accurate reading comprehension.  
Student Recommendation No recommendation No justification for recommendation Adequate justification for recommendation Convincing, reasonable justification for recommendation  
Slide or Card Design Confusing, irrelevant, distracting use of graphics, sound, and text Graphics and text are somewhat purposeful, but many are unrelated to content Graphics, sounds, and text are purposeful and most are logically related to content Purposeful, logical flow of graphics, sound, and text to convey relevant content  
Oral Presentation No eye contact, voice too low to be heard, poor tone and style Little eye contact, poor voice projection, tone, and style Adequate eye contact, voice projection, tone, and style Excellent eye contact, voice projection, pleasing tone, and engaging style  
Group Work No teamwork, poor classroom behavior, failed to meet deadlines and project requirements Poor teamwork, some misbehavior, sometimes late for deadlines and project requirements Some teamwork, little misbehavior, met most deadlines and project requirements Excellent teamwork, good behavior, worked together to meet all deadlines and project requirements  
Grading Scale A=40-44
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