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Page history last edited by Tricia Lazzaro 13 years, 9 months ago

Glogster allows students to apply and synthesize knowledge by providing a multimedia way to show their product or practice process.

For teachers, glogster provides an interactive and new way to present content and practice process, as well as a way to re-teach or provide support for mini-lessons.


Expert Traci Blazosky provides a step by step tutorial, as well as excellent examples of Blogster use in the classroom.




Check out Traci's Frogs Google Earth & Glogster kmz file. 


Live Binders for curriculum examples:



Subject Differentiate  Grade Weblink Technology
Language Arts Content, Product HS-

Artemis Fowl http://lolzz.glogster.com/Artemis-Fowl/ 

Language Arts Content, Product MS

The things they carried - http://thethingstheycarry.pbworks.com/


Math  Process, Product MS

Pythagorean Theorem Glogster Link

Picture of Poster in Glogster 


Glogster, Video, Rap Song
Science Content, Process  Elementary example http://ktitrace.edu.glogster.com/central-frog/ Glogster, blabberize, Discovery Education video, link to document, link to webpage
Science  Content, Process  Elementary example 




Google Earth, embedded Glogster, blabberize, Discovery Education video
Social Studies  Content, Product   

WarofIndependenceTimelineGlogter.pdf student sample


Timeline Glogster Lesson Plan



Glogster, video, audio 
Science  Content, Product  HS -\ 

Cellular Respiration - http://hbhskat.glogster.com/Cellular-Respiration/

Wind power -http://sfwkows.edu.glogster.com/wind-power/?w1



Picture of Glogster Rubric



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