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Page history last edited by Tricia Lazzaro 14 years, 1 month ago

Use your text or paragraphs and summarize thhe important information into a shape.  This is the tagxedo for the plot of "The Giver" .





Examples in the classroom:

(1) Make a Class Tagxedo



(2) Expand Students' Vocabulary -- great visual art, with the original word front-and-center.



(3) Break the Ice



(4) Make a Poem Tagxedo



(5) Start a Class Topic



(6) Improve Students' Writing Skill



(7) Summarize a Field Trip Report



(8) Appreciate Other Languages -- typography, characteristics of languages



(9) Make a Language Art



(10) Teach Students about Cultures of the World



(11) Improve Your Writing



(12) Stimulate Early-Childhood Learning



(13) Create a Synonym Wall



(14) Building SAT Vocabulary -- great visual art


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