
Anchor Activities

Page history last edited by Tricia Lazzaro 14 years, 9 months ago


Subject:  Level Anchor Activities Technology 
Language Arts    The_Giver 

Internet Research sites for research paper 

  • class presentation - multimedia  
Math    Math Reasoning   Computer selection: http://www.mathplayground.com/  
Science  MS  Chemistry_Intro.pdf  

1. Changes in Matter Cartoon - online creation or Word Drawing Tools

2-Physical and Chemical Changes Rap or


Science MS Science_Gr7 Rap song - Organelles, Cells - You tube 
Science MS Body Systems  
Social Studies/History MS/HS

Primary Sources

Children of the civil war


HSI - Using CSI format, have students research and use higher level thinking skills as they learn about events from the past.






Anchor Activities or Bell Ringers:


Anchor activities are ongoing assignments that students can work on independently throughout a unit, a grading period or longer.


Project/activites management is important, so students keep track of their progress and status. 




1. Provide meaningful or real-world activities/tasks for students that enhance current project or task, when finished with current work, when or when they arrive into class.



2. Provide ongoing tasks that tie to the content and instruction.



3. Free up the classroom teacher to work with other groups of students or individuals.








Source for example anchor activities: http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/curriculum/enriched/giftedprograms/scienceanchors.shtm

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