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We learn best by sharing and collaborating and trying new things. Here we will share examples and ideas about how to help students learn through technology infusion with differentiation. We are in an era where our students are inundated with technology, where they multitask, and use technology in various ways.
Our goal is to provide examples of differentiated lessons and student activities to inspire you. We post the examples here and provide the source/reference. This is so that we do not lose these wonderful as websites are updated and changed.These differentiation resources are used in a middle school or high school classroom.
Differentiated Classroom:
A differentiated classroom provides multiple options for:
Taking in information, receiving the information, doing something with the information.
Making sense of information, helps you study and learn.
Expressing what you have learned, evidence of meeting the standard
Comments (1)
Alvaro Jesus Ricardez said
at 11:23 am on May 21, 2017
Thanks teacher Tricia for this wonderful space. I come very often to solve problems and get inspiration!
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