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Learning Centers

Page history last edited by Tricia Lazzaro 15 years ago

Learning Centers

Centers are different from stations in that centers are distinct while stations work in concert with each other.  A learning center is a classroom area that contains a collection of activities or materials designed to teach, reinforce, or extend a particular skill or concept.  An interest center is designed to motivate student’s exploration of topics in which they have a particular interest.  In general, centers should:

  • Focus on important learning goals
  • Contain materials to promote individual students’ growth towards those goals
  • Use materials and activities addressing a wide range of reading levels, learning profiles, and student interests
  • Include activities that vary from simple to complex, concrete to abstract, structured to open-ended
  • Provide clear directions for students
  • Offer instructions about what the student is to do if they need help
  • Include instructions on what the student should do when he completes a center assignment
  • Use a record keeping system to monitor what students do at the center
  • Include a plan of on-going assessment of student growth in the class in general, which will lead to adjustments in center tasks.

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